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Software developer at stocks3 AG in Munich

“For me, choosing to learn German in Year 7 was pure happenstance, as the only other language offered was French, and I felt that it was too similar to the heritage language spoken by my dad’s side of the family at home, Italian. I consequently chose German for something ‘different’.

I never would have thought back then that I would now have been living in Munich for over four years and conducting virtually all of my daily life in German. In fact, it wasn’t until my exchange in Year 9 that I even considered continuing until VCE. I suppose a romantic interest in your teenage years tends to help in that regard!

I have always been completely engrossed in linguistics, mathematics, music, art, IT, and many other pursuits, and learning German was, at least for me, a matter of uncovering an enormous puzzle; one which I have yet to fully uncover even to this day. I have loved travelling and living in Europe, and every outing is an opportunity for me to learn new words, phrases, dialects, people, and places. Speaking German has unlocked being able to see another culture from the inside, and allowed me to understand and experience completely different way of working and living that would be impossible without foreign language skills.

I continue to enjoy pushing my German skills, engaging in conversation about unfamiliar topics, and even working on small linguistic projects such as translation in my free time.” (2023)


  • Transitioned from Master’s degree to a full-time software development position at stock3 AG


  • Began part-time work as a software developer at stock3 AG (formerly BörseGo AG) in Munich.

September 2019


  • Received the Goethe-Zertifikat C2: Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom for German language proficiency from the Goethe Institut in Melbourne.
  • Continued private German tutoring
  • Worked as a German Language Assistant at McKinnon Secondary College
  • Graduated from Monash University


  • Spent a year abroad in Munich, Germany, thanks to Monash’s Study Abroad program, at the Ludwig-Maximilian’s Universität studying Germanistik, historical linguistics, and natural language processing (NLP)
  • Worked at Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung (CIS – Centre for Information and Language Processing) as a HiWi (Hilfswissenschaftler), an academic assistant


  • Received a scholarship for a degree in Information Technology at Monash University
  • Began a double degree at Monash University in Arts (Major in Linguistics, Minor in German Studies) and Information Technology
  • Began part-time work as a private tutor in a variety of subjects including German


  • Chose to study German, Italian, English, Maths Methods, Specialist Maths and Physics for his VCE pathway.


  • Spent 6 weeks in Marburg in Germany on a private exchange with my now long-time friend Arne


  • Chose to learn German in Year 7 at McKinnon Secondary College